(From Dave of Phoenix)
Phoenix PD wants David Elms put away for life
Seeks blackmailed for sex escorts - anonymous contact set up
If you or for guys or all gals, if you know an escort that has been blackmailed into sex for reviews to stay on TER etc please pass this on.
Yes, this is ironic, when the usual enemy (law enforcement) is on our side to get rid of a dangerous, abusive person in the industry (David Elms TER). This has nothing to do with the TER board, only the dangerous owner.
I had a long phone discussion with Detective Christina Bill (yes like mans first name) of the Phoenix Police Dept Vice unit. She welcome me getting this message out to escorts. The following are high points of the conversation:
She is trying to put together a case against David Elms that would put him behind bars permanently. She asks for our help to do so. She is very compassionate towards what is going on and understands that escorts CAN be victimized by people like Elms.
Det. Bill agrees with the attorney in LA who I have had many discussions with - that blackmailed sex is the same as criminal felony rape. He is the attorney who filed the recent Federal Civil case against Elms on behalf of “Jane Doe“ an escort, now the murder for hire victim in Phoenix
Phoenix PD wants to get Elms on more felony charges but needs escorts to come forward from anywhere in the U.S., not just Phoenix. Det Bill needs to speak with Escorts who have been Threatened / Harassed / Extorted by David Elms. Gals can contact her anonymously with the procedure discussed below.
Detective Bill could care less about misdemeanor prostitution offenses. She tells me she has already cleared it with the County Attorney´s office, not caring about being an escort if you come forward.
She seeks help from escorts that have been harassed in any way or have exchanged sex and or money for TER reviews not be taken down etc. She would like as many as possible in order to get a Grand Jury indictment BEFORE his arrest, with a prearranged agreed on large bail by the Court so he won´t just get small bail next time. The Prosecutor, County Attorney´s office and Phoenix major crimes unit were shocked at the low $150,000 bail by a judge that had no real background info on him when arrested a few weeks ago for conspiracy to commit murder, aggravated assault, weapons and various drug charges.
I have arranged with her a way for gals to come forward anonymously. She just wants the opportunity to talk to you.
To protect escorts confidentially they/you can call the Police Community Hotline at 602-426-1231.
Tell them you have info on the David Elms case for Detective Christina Bill.
You can leave any name. She told me you can call yourself “juicy“ for all she cares.
Just leave a phone number that she can call to talk with you.
This is a case similar to the 2005 case of “Rapist Who Choked Providers Till Passed Out , Raped and Robbed Them“ I report on at http://www.sexwork.com/Phoenix/rapist.html I worked with Scottsdale PD and got escorts to come forward who all said they were very comfortable working with both the police and the County Attorney´s office. A fast response, and an outstanding investigation got him arrested quickly. He is now serving a sentence of over 100 years in prison. Escorts could have gotten formal immunity but after working closely with the Country Attorney I don´t believe any escorts thought that was necessary.
As we know from the NY Times article that he was found raping a women at gunpoint in a hotel. But she was too scared to press charges. Apparently she reported this to police when she called 911 but the California authorities could only get him on weapons and drug charges which is why he is now on probation.
I realize the irony that some of the same police that busted Desert Diva´s, now want to befriend escort victims of David Elms because of what he has done to so many escorts and the risk he poses. As Christina told me “I am ready to get rid of this guy.“ She sounds to me both very compassionate for the plight and sensitivity of escorts but she is VERY determined to get more charges on Elms.
He is now out on bail. He is clearly in violation of his probation in CA. But he has beat a probation violation before and it was only on drugs and weapons charges. Phoenix PD will work with the California authorities on details of any Arizona new charges and his parole violation on priors in CA.
I think Christina Bill will put you at ease and I am convinced she is absolutely sincere in having no interest in your profession. From reading many boards, it is obvious many guys and gals know of his blackmail for sex victims so please spread the word to anyone you think may have been blackmailed to provide sex to Elms
A post on the ladies only section of a LV board caused quite a stir. She says she was not directly on the LV board but an escort posted for her but it appeared to be her. The board owner confirmed she was real police (as I did also) and it was agreed she would be banned as soon as she posted the notice for LV gals to come forward. She realizes the sensitivity of the situation. The post clearly identified her as Phoenix Police. She is not trying to sting anyone, only put Elms away as he has proved himself very dangerous.
The AZ Grand Jury did not indict on the conspiracy to commit murder charge but has indicted him for felony aggravated assault and drug charges. Phoenix PD and the County Attorney want to get him for felony rape as we know he has been guilty of for many years with many gals in different states.
I have long history and details about this and prior cases at http://www.sexwork.com/terbad.html This is why he hired a hit man to come after me as well as the escort that filed the Federal civil charges. As someone pointed out, he better pray we both keep very healthy, since everyone knows who to look at if anything should happen to us. Yes, it shook me up when I was contacted by police by phone, and have now met with the “hit man“ and other major crimes officer. It is now in the hands of the police as the hit man fortunately was an undercover police officer in the major crimes unit and Phoenix PD and the County Attorney are very serious about getting more charges on him for everyone´s safety.
I was trying to work with the LA Attorney who filed the Federal Case wanting gals to come forward but we were unable to arrange a direct escort friendly LE contact in California. Now with the murder for hire etc arrest in Phoenix, Phoenix and County Attorney really want him on more felonies - felony rape for any escort who was blackmailed into sex with him.
Hi Veronica,
ReplyDeleteWould you mind if I post this at my blog as well, with a link back to yours? I think it's important to spread the information about your contact far and wide. I'd post it in full because I want everyone to see your words in their entirety. I won't do anything until I get your okay.
Hi Veronica!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for your fantastic site!
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